Preorder, ARC Sign Ups, Art & More

Busy time of year!

It’s already December! In this newsletter:

  • Art!

  • Baked & Brewed Updates

  • Deals & Dalliances Preorder/ARC

  • Free YA Short Story/Anthology

  • Life & Cat Update

  • Writing Updates/Current projects

Art of my characters by the amazing @LinzeesLittleLibrary

Having art of my characters is just an absolute dream come true. @LinzeesLittleLibrary has been awesome to work with. I just wanted to share a round up of them all :)

Thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed, and bought a copy of Baked & Brewed.

When I participated in the Stuff Your Kindle Fantasy event, I had no idea how much it would change things for me. KU reads have gone up 1000% (not the actual number, but maybe?) - and I made enough in October & Beginning of November to pay my first car payment - and half of it for this month. I never dreamed.

AND I got 78 preorders for Deals & Dalliances, which astounds and delights me.

I’m also up over 100 reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads. Not all have been kind, but that’s okay - I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and neither is my book. Or coffee, I should say.

I also did a book signing at Barnes & Noble, and sold all 12 copies I had in stock - so that was amazing, and so much fun!

I have been rereading it to take down world/character details, and noticed a few things here and there I’m going to fix. My editor for Deals & Dalliances is reading it as well, and also is making a few notes. It will get a bit of an update, but nothing to the story.

I may have started plotting an actual Baked & Brewed 2 with Willow & Winston…

Recruitment for ARC Readers is beginning! I'd absolutely love to get at least 200 (and I’m at 88!). That's my current (maybe not crazy) goal. If I hit it, I have some fun ideas for my readers (Including an actual paperback ARC). Would be sent early January, and released March 7th, so plenty of time to read!

Sign up to get the ARC here:

Pre-order the ebook here:

Sign up for order a signed Paperback from me:

My short story, “Promises, Promises” has been released in “All the Promises We Cannot Keep" and you can download the entire anthology for free! My short story is about: Victoria is preparing for her life to change - again. The day dawns for her journey to the Academy, and she can't help but remember the moment when she found out she had magic. When her mother promised nothing would change - a promise she failed to keep.

The Anthology: Unlock the secrets of forgotten attics and ancestral halls, where mysteries await those daring enough to listen. All The Promises We Cannot Keep is an anthology of tales that reach across generations and distant realms, drawing readers into worlds where intrigue and beauty intertwine. Here, in the shadowed corridors of crumbling manors and beneath the starlit canopy of enchanted forests, stories from 51 authors uncover what lies between the cracks—whether it's hope blossoming in the ruins of a broken life or the delicate dance between darkness and light, they remind us that some promises, once made, are impossible to keep. Published by @thewriterssanctuary in connection to the Red Herrings Society.

Between being up for promotion, and all the things I have going on, I haven’t written as much as I hoped. But I also think my brain just needed a break. I’ve started a new short story that’s helping, and in general immersing myself in the land of the holidays.

Cat wise - well, Willie won’t stop stealing my tree skirt and I’ve given up. Otherwise, they seem to all be doing well.

Cat on a tree skirt

So what is happening in my author world now?

  • Reading through Baked & Brewed again to make sure I have character/word details correct - and making some edits along the way.

  • Last minute additions to Deals & Dalliances before it goes to the Editor on December 17th.

  • Sending our e-ARCS of Deals & Dalliances, probably on my birthday (January 4th!)

  • Started work on Book 3/Interconnected Standalone - F&F

  • Writing a short story about Tess & Piper - A&A

  • Wrote a short story about Tess meeting Willow & Piper, titled “Chances & Changes” - if you signed up for this newsletter before it was in the welcome email, let me know and I’ll send it to you!

  • Working on a YA (maybe Adult) novel with magic, dragons, nobles, and secret plots! (Project on Hold)

  • Maybe started a new project that is DnD inspired.


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